PDF Version | Mission Statement and Goals |
| Constitution | Bylaws | Appendix 1 | Appendix 2 |
Mission Statement and Goals
The mission of the ISSM is to support innovative and inclusive interdisciplinary scholarship in medievalisms, encouraging a wide definition of the subject, and broad investigation into an expansive range of phenomena, discourses, and media across diverse geographies, as well as open and inclusive dialogue on these subjects, as well as conversations about the function of medievalisms in the academy. ISSM founder Leslie Workman (1927-2001) defined medievalism “as the continuing process of creating the Middle Ages” (“Medievalism Today,” Medievival Feminist Newsletter 23, 1997, p. 29). The ISSM recognizes that medievalisms resist fixed definitions, limitations, or constructs and seek to investigate the subject in multiple realms.
Scholarship and dialogue require the equal participation of everyone engaged in this study, and the ISSM seeks to be activist in its support of voices that have not always been heard, valued, or amplified. The Society strives to:
- Promote connections between scholarship and creative medievalisms, and scholarship and public medievalisms.
- Make scholarly medievalisms accessible and inclusive.
- Promote and facilitate networking across the varied disciplines and fields of medievalism.
- Provide regular opportunities to share innovative scholarship, observations, and initiatives that engage medievalisms.
- Develop frameworks of mentoring and support from senior scholars to junior scholars.
ISSM is a community in which researchers are able to participate equally. ISSM understands that scholarship is practiced by individuals working in many different conditions and with varying degrees of support for their work. We value the involvement of researchers at all career stages, and across the full range of difference within the academy, and we especially welcome newcomers to our community. The organization aims to be a supportive and safe professional environment for all those interested in the study of medievalisms. ISSM supports members—especially those from communities traditionally marginalized by the academy, including but not limited to people of color, women, disabled people, LGBQTIA+ people, and members of all faiths—to share their research and develop professional networks within an environment that prizes inclusivity, generosity, and courtesy. ISSM refuses to accept bullying and harassment of any kind, whether intellectual, institutional, or personal.
Dates Adopted and Amended
Ratified and Adopted: 4 November 2021
Constitution of the
International Society for the
Study of Medievalism
Article I: Name
The name of the organization is the International Society for the Study of Medievalism (ISSM).
Article II: Purpose
The purposes of the Society shall be:
- To promote interest in medievalism and to advance medievalism studies.
- To make accessible to all Members, by means of publications approved by the Society, information of common interest, especially concerning the teaching of and research in medievalisms.
- To hold conferences and other meetings for the purpose of exchanging ideas and techniques pertinent to medievalism studies.
- To promote the publication of research and texts in medievalism studies and related fields.
- To promote the teaching of medievalisms and related areas at all appropriate levels of education.
- To sponsor long-range projects of importance to medievalism scholarship.
- To operate and maintain the Society exclusively for educational purposes. None of its members shall enjoy any pecuniary profits from its operation.
Article III: Membership
Membership is open to any person or agency interested in the purpose of the ISSM. Membership is defined as subscription to the Society’s official list, “ISSM ISSM@LISTSERV.KENT.EDU”
Article IV: Officers
- The Society will be governed and managed by an Executive Committee of three Members and an Executive Board.
- There will be three Members of the ISSM elected to the Executive Committee; the duties of each Executive are detailed in the Bylaws. Executive terms are limited to no more than 3 consecutive years in the same position.
- There will be elections to fill positions in the Executive Board; the positions and duties of Board members are detailed in the Bylaws.
Article V: Outreach
- The Society shall regularly hold dedicated conferences and sponsor sessions in other conferences or congresses. Members of the Executive Board will organize or authorize sponsored sessions at non-Society conferences or congresses.
- Conferences advertised as a meeting of the International Society for the Study of Medievalism (ISSM) will be hosted by volunteers from within the active membership of the Society.
- Host-site volunteers retain discretion regarding annual topics, dates, and fees in consultation with the Executive Board of the Society.
- Members of the Executive Board of the Society will act in advisory capacity to assist the conference host(s).
- The Executive Board will solicit volunteer bids for future conferences; if more than one bid is received, the Executive Board will assess each bid and select the most suitable in discussion with the volunteers.
- A business meeting of the Society shall occur in conjunction with the regular conference sponsored by the Society.
- Items for the business meeting may be collected at sponsored sessions, other congresses, and via various networking / outreach channels.
- These agenda items will be organized by the Executive Committee for consideration by the membership not less than fourteen days (two weeks) prior to the business meeting.
- Members who are unable to attend virtually or in person will vote on issues via remote methods.
The Society is directly affiliated with The Year’s Work in Medievalism; The Year’s Work in Medievalism is the official journal of the ISSM. The ISSM is allied through mutual interests with Studies in Medievalism (owned by Boydell and Brewer).
Affiliated publications will offer outlets to members of ISSM, and the ISSM will promote the publication.
Allied publications will offer outlets to members of ISSM, and the ISSM will help promote the publication.
Editors of affiliated journals, such as The Year’s Work in Medievalism, are considered voting members of the Executive Board. Editors of allied journals, such as Studies in Medievalism, are considered non-voting members of the Executive Board.
The Society maintains a website and social media accounts to promote engagement with the Society’s mission and goals.
Article VI: Amendments
- Amendments to the Constitution may be initiated by the Executive Committee or Board or upon the petition of ten ISSM members to the Executive Committee.
- Amendments to the Constitution shall be adopted by a two-thirds vote of ISSM members who are voting on the proposed amendment(s).
- Amendments to the Constitution requested by petition and declined by the Executive Committee or Board may be appealed to ISSM members at the conference business meeting. If a majority of members support the appeal, a digital vote will be conducted.
- Amendments may be adopted at the conference business meeting provided the proposed amendment has been submitted to the members or has been published on the mailing list and website at least twenty-one days (three weeks) in advance.
- Amendments may be adopted by a vote of the members on the basis of those ballots that are received within thirty days after digital polling information has been transmitted to the members by the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee or authorized election representative will count votes and announce results publicly via the list, website, and affiliate social media outlets.
- Amendments to the Constitution shall take effect immediately following their adoption.
Elections will be announced at the Annual General Meeting at the International Society for the Study of Medievalism, at which candidates will be introduced.
Candidates for open positions will be solicited in advance of the meeting with an announcement to the membership. Candidates will send their names, information, and chosen position to the Communications Executive Officer, who will construct the ballot.
An anonymous Electronic Ballot will be sent to the Membership within one week of the Conference and will be returned within two weeks of that date. The results will be counted and distributed by the Executive Officers who are not standing for reelection. The three current Executive Officers will abstain from voting, except in the case of a tie. In the case of a tie, the three current Executive Officers will cast deciding votes.
Results will be announced to the Membership within one week of the election returns. The Executive Committee will then convene a first meeting of the new Executive Board within one month of the election.
Since all terms will be two years, elections will run on a two-year cycle delineated below. In the first year of this reconstitution (2021-22), the whole Board will be elected. Members who served on the Transitional Governance Committee may run for the same (or other) positions on the Executive Board. These will be elected as follows:
Executive Officer of Presentations: 2 years
Executive Officer of Communications: 2 years
Executive Officer of Finance: 2 years
Precariat Representative: 1 year
Graduate Student Representative: 1 year
Communications Coordinator: 2 years
Conference Liaison: 2 Years.
Following the first year, Executive Board members will be elected on the following schedule for two-year terms:
YEAR A: Executive Officer of Presentations; Precariat Representative; Graduate Student Representative
YEAR B: Executive Officer of Communications; Executive Officer of Finance; Communications Coordinator; Conference Liaison.
The following members of the Society will serve on the Executive Board as Ex-Officio Members. They will have consulting responsibilities but will not have official votes, although they may be asked to participate in straw polls for the benefit of information. They may attend any relevant meetings at their discretion or the Board’s request: The Immediate Past Executive Officers, the Editor(s) of Studies in Medievalism, and the Member(s) responsible for hosting the upcoming International Society for the Study of Medievalism Annual Conference.
If a Committee Member resigns their position before the end of their term, an election will be held to replace that person four weeks after the official resignation date. The newly-elected member will complete the resignee’s term. At the end of that term, the new member may run again for the same (or a different) position.
In the rare case that an Executive Board Officer engages in unacceptable behavior, the rest of the Board will undertake an anonymous electronic election which will determine whether that person remains on the Board.
The process begins by a formal written complaint by two members of the ISSM that is communicated to the Executive Board at large (the three executives and remaining officers) via email; the complaint may be sent through a Representative, who does not need to be a member of the Executive Board. The Representative may anonymize the complaint upon request of the complainant.
The results of the complaint will be addressed by three ISSM members in good standing. The Representative and two members of the Executive Board will agree upon the three ISSM members who will address the complaint and responses. They will recommend a final resolution.
If that officer is removed, an election will take place for that position, and the newly-elected member will complete the removed member’s term. At the end of that term, the new member may run again for the same (or a different) position.
All election proceedings (including evaluation of existing leaders and removal procedures, nominations, and electoral procedures) will be flexible and accessible to the membership. Should an ISSM member who is involved in facilitating elections wish to stand for office, election oversight proxy powers should be provided by a member of the Executive Board not currently running for office or a designated uninterested individual (whether an ISSM member or outside the organization) who receives 100% agreement by the Executive Board.
Voting on all matters within the meetings should be electronic, to ensure a record is created. If a voice vote is taken or needed, a record of the vote will be included in the minutes.
Minutes will be taken and then distributed to the ISSM membership on rotation among the members of the Executive Board.
The oversight of social media, including administration and moderation, is the collective responsibility of the Executive Board. The ISSM will abide by the rules for discussion in social media and listserv discussions detailed in Appendix 1.
The Three Executive Officers (collectively the Executive Committee) will share general oversight and administration of the ISSM. Each Executive Officer has primary responsibility for a central portfolio of business: Communications; Presentations; and Finance. They will be elected on staggered terms, so that in any given year there will be an experienced Executive Officer on the Committee.
Each Executive also oversees an advisory board, comprised of relevant elected members of the ISSM, the Executive Board, and qualified non-ISSM members (at need). The advisory board membership should rotate with the elections of the overseeing Executive (subject to availability and interest), and membership (joining and leaving) is fluid depending on need. Advisory board membership does not disqualify simultaneous election to and service in other roles. Appointed but unelected Members do not have voting rights in the Executive Committee, and the advisory boards should be used to develop engagement with the business portfolio the chairing Executive is tasked with overseeing.
The Executive Committee, by agreement of at least two of its members, may also create subcommittees to address new matters of ISSM business.
Distribution of Executive Officer oversight is as follows, understanding that all Executives are tasked with general duties, and also understanding that flexibility and crossover of roles may occur:
Executive Officer of Communications has primary responsibility over:
- Administration and organization of digital media outreach, including: oversight of social media administration and moderation; management of server space that hosts ISSM websites and similar media.
- Membership management
- Collect data of identity (i.e., precariat, graduate, junior faculty, etc.)
- Collect data of interests (i.e., movies, Robin Hood, video games, books, creative writing, etc.)
- Manage Membership login to change identity.
- Online communications:
- Develop online meeting venue accounts or set meetings for the organization (i.e., or establishing a video conference meeting)
- Oversight of social media accounts including posting and recruitment / coordination of moderation teams.
- Oversight of ISSM websites (including: main site, conference site, Year’s Work in Medievalism site) and server management.
- Oversight of list-serves/mailing and discussion lists
- Developing and maintaining resources for ISSM membership seeking to place their work with relevant and interested publishers
- Elections* (see Elections sections for further guidance)
- Communications / Publications Advisory Board
- The Communications Coordinator, who is responsible for all technical tasks for online communications and communications media, will provide technical support to the Executive Officer (Communications) as needed. See Communications Coordinator description of duties.
Executive Officer of Presentations has primary responsibility over:
- Assisting the host of the official ISSM conference to develop the conference themes, Call for Papers, panel organization and selection, program flow, etc.
- Coordination with Year’s Work in Medievalism (official journal of the ISSM) to develop the journal, serve on the YWiM editorial board, liaison to allied publications, and develop lists of willing specialists for peer review
- Developing with the Conference Coordinator general lists of relevant topics for conferences and sponsored sessions / panels of interest to the Membership and ISSM
- Coordinating and developing (with the Conference Coordinator): official Call for Papers (CFP) for ISSM sponsored sessions; submission of the CFP to the conference / congress organizers, as well as preparing materials for Communications to promote; recruiting moderators and organizers; selecting presenters for approved sponsored sessions.
- Routinely sponsoring sessions on behalf of the ISSM at conferences including but not limited to (list will be routinely updated):
- International Congress on Medieval Studies (Kalamazoo)
- International Medieval Congress (Leeds)
- Modern Languages Association (MLA) and / or Regional MLA
- Popular Culture Association PCA/ACA
- Australia and New Zealand Association for Medieval and Early Modern Studies
- International Conference of Medievalism Studies – GEHM – Brazil
- Brazilian Association for Medieval Studies – ABREM – Brazil
- International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts
- Society for the Study of Cinema and Media Studies
- Developing and maintaining lists of potential conferences where the ISSM can sponsor sessions, including deadlines, proposal requirements, etc.
- Functioning as co-treasurer with the other Executive Officers
- Coordinating with Executive Officers of Communications and of Finance to determine suitability of topics.
- Elections* (see Elections sections for further guidance)
- Presentations Advisory Board
Executive Officer of Finance has primary responsibility over:
- Oversight and management of funds raised to support the ISSM Website, and will work with the Communications Coordinator to determine needs
- Oversight and management of funds raised to support the ISSM Conference, and will work with the Conference Coordinator and individual conference hosts
- Development of account structures, non-profit status, and methods to transfer control to the next Treasurer
- Development and distribution of budgets to appropriate Executive Board members
- Presentation of budgets to the Executive Board and ISSM Membership
- Consideration of fundraising methods
- Elections* (see Elections sections for further guidance)
Conference Coordinator
The Conference Coordinator will provide support to the Executive Officer for Presentations as needed. This Coordinator is primarily responsible for organizing the current (annual) ISSM conference. The Conference Coordinator will:
- Liaison and coordinate with immediate past host, current host, future host.
- Work with Communications Coordinator to develop conference websites.
- Ensure rotation and balance of conference locations (e.g. continents, institutions, delivery mode, etc.).
- Ensure digital conferences or digital components of in-person conferences must ALWAYS be part of the planning.
- Coordinate and develop (with the Executive Officer of Presentations): official Call for Papers (CFP) for ISSM sponsored sessions; submission of the CFP to the conference / congress organizers, as well as preparing materials for Communications to promote; recruiting moderators and organizers; selecting presenters for approved sponsored sessions.
Communications Coordinator
The Communications Coordinator is responsible for all technical tasks for online communications and communications media. These tasks include software updating, security maintenance, as well as the technical work for distributing content for all media, including the following:
- ISSM website
- ISSM Annual Conference website
- The Year’s Work in Medievalism website
- Membership management
- Membership electronic voting
- ISSM social media accounts
- ListServes
- Online meeting venue accounts
- Promotions and outreach
Precariat Faculty and Independent Scholars Representative
It is the duty of the Precariat Representative of the Executive Board to represent the interests and voices of the collective contingent faculty and/or academic staff (adjunct, temporary contract, and other non-tenure track, including alternative academic, independent scholars, or paraprofessional) members of the ISSM. To that end, the Precariat Representative (hereafter called the Precariat) shall be charged with communicating the needs of these members to the larger Executive Board and to the Executive Committee and serving as their representative in the larger Executive Board meetings and voting procedures.
The Precariat is responsible for:
- Surveying the membership to put together data on the size of the contingent faculty, independent scholars, and/or academic staff membership to determine representative voices. This survey is to be undertaken no less than once every calendar year.
- Requesting a sub-committee of representative contingent faculty/independent scholars/academic staff (the number of which is to be determined by the survey) to meet bi-monthly to discuss their needs and how the ISSM can better serve those needs.
- Creating a formal report from the above bi-monthly meetings to present to the larger Executive Board and/or Executive Committee to address any possible changes or Constitutional/Bylaw amendments or general policy actions.
- Maintaining a network of professional service, mentoring, publication, and conference opportunities for contingent faculty/independent scholars/academic staff in conjunction with the Communications Coordinator and the Executive Committee.
- Maintaining an active list/open communication with the ISSM members who are not tenured, tenure-track, or retired faculty/academic staff.
- Any other duties not listed herein as determined by the Executive Board and/or the Executive Committee.
The Precariat shall serve in the position in accordance with the term limits outlined above. The Precariat is no longer eligible to serve in this role should they attain a tenure-track or permanent contract position.
Should there be a time in which no contingent faculty, independent scholars, and/or academic staff hold membership in the ISSM, the Precariat Member position may be placed on hold until such a time as membership deems the position be renewed.
Student Representative
It is the duty of the Student Member to represent the interests and voices of all students (both graduate and undergraduate, including masters, PhD and postdoctoral levels and their equivalents) affiliated with the ISSM. The Student Representative must be a current student; in cases where an ISSM Member is both a student and an instructor (a contracted university-level job independent of degree-progress employment), they should ideally be classified as precariat and therefore represented by the official Precariat in all general matters. To that end, the Student Representative shall be charged with communicating the needs of these student members to the larger Executive Board and to the Executive Committee and serving as their representative in the larger Executive Board meetings and voting procedures.
The Student Representative is responsible for:
- Surveying the membership to put together data on the size and demographics of the student membership to determine representative voices. This survey is to be undertaken no less than once every calendar year.
- Organizing an assembly of the students to meet at least once per semester to discuss their needs and how the ISSM can better serve those needs. This assembly should be open to participation of all current students. The Student Representative can organize the assembly as best matches the needs and demographics of student membership, ensuring all voices are heard.
- Creating formal reports from the above assemblies to present to the larger Executive Board and/or Executive Committee to address any possible changes or Constitutional/Bylaw amendments or general policy actions.
- Facilitating a network of scholarship, professional service, mentoring, publication, conference, research, and study opportunities for interested students, in conjunction with the Communications Coordinator, the Precariat Representative and the Executive Committee.
- Maintaining an open communication channel with all ISSM members, especially those who are active students or who are currently applying/looking for a study program. All official communications must be formalized via email.
- Assuring that students have their rights as full ISSM members respected. This includes, but is not limited to, the right to vote for the leadership and to participate at the conference. The Representative may preserve the anonymity of individual students when presenting their needs/issues to the board, the request of their constituent(s).
- Any other duties not listed herein as determined by the Executive Board and/or the Executive Committee.
The Student Representative shall serve in the position for no more than three consecutive terms. The Student Representative is no longer eligible to serve in this role should they attain any hired high-ed teaching position which would then qualify them as an instructor or professor, even if they still are a student at a different institution. The same applies if they finish/end their current student affiliation and have no immediate plans for a new degree. If the Student Representative resigns, they shall be replaced with their designated substitute (following the order of the other most-voted candidates), or with an interim appointed by the Board in cases where there is no available substitute.
International Liaison Description and Duties
It is the duty of the International Liaison of the Executive Board to ensure that the ISSM keeps its international scope in mind during all official decisions. The representative should be based outside of the English-speaking North American – United Kingdom corridor or originate from outside that corridor.
The International Liaison is responsible for:
- Collecting data from the membership surveys to map the ISSM’s presence over the world.
- Creating a formal report from the above survey to present to the larger Executive Board and/or Executive Committee to address any possible changes or Constitutional/Bylaw amendments or general policy actions.
- Facilitating a network of international scholarship, professional service, mentoring, publication, conference, research, and study opportunities for the ISSM.
- Ensuring Annual Conference rotation that includes regular locations outside of the USA.
- Maintaining an open communication channel with all ISSM members, especially those who are from or are based outside of the US-UK. All official communications must be formalized via email for proof/record keeping.
- Working with the Conference Coordinator and the Conference Host to help advertise the Association on an international level and facilitate foreign participation in the conference and other sponsored activities. This includes advocating flexible fees, remote support and (in the future) a website mirror in Spanish.
- Any other duties not listed herein as determined by the Executive Board and/or the Executive Committee.
Editor Representative
It is the duty of The Year’s Work in Medievalism Editor Representative to represent the interests of The Year’s Work in Medievalism and other affiliated journals on the Board. There is one vote for The Year’s Work in Medievalism. Though The Year’s Work in Medievalism Editorial Team will ideally be collaborative (see below, The Year’s Work in Medievalism), only one of the Editorial Team needs to attend Executive Board meetings and they will collectively have a single vote. The Editor Representative position can rotate among the currently appointed Editorial Team as schedules and desires permit.
Editors of allied publications, such as Studies in Medievalism, are non-voting ex officio members of the Executive Board.
The Year’s Work in Medievalism (YWiM) is the official journal of the ISSM. YWiM is a peer-reviewed, open access journal providing a co-disciplinary medium of exchange for scholars investigating the postmedieval reception of medieval culture, scholarly and popular. The journal accepts short scholarly pieces ranging from 3000 to 4000 words and creative medievalisms. Though The Year’s Work in Medievalism began as an outlet for the conference proceedings originating from the annual meetings and sponsored sessions of the ISSM, the journal is now open to submissions from anyone interested in disseminating their work in medievalism studies.
The co-disciplinary nature of YWiM makes it a natural medium for collaborative editorial efforts. Thus, the editorial team of the journal is ideally two scholars active in medievalism studies and members of the ISSM. The Editorial Team will develop a close working relationship with the editor of Studies in Medievalism.
Terms of Service
Editors of YWiM have a single vote, as the Editorial Representative, on the ISSM Executive Board, and are both members of the Advisory Board overseen by the Executive Officer of Communications.
Each editor commits to a term of six years. In the final two years of the term, the editor will either commit to another term (affirmed by the editorial board) or begin the process of training and transitioning a replacement. Ideally, terms of service will be staggered so that the editorial team always has experience, but this is not mandated.
If an editor is unable, unwilling, or unfit to complete their six-year term of service, they may resign by digital letter to the co-editor, the Executive Officer of Communications, and the Editorial Board of The Year’s Work in Medievalism. The Executive Officer of Communications will transmit the letter of resignation to the ISSM Executive Board. Departing Editors will provide copies of all files and works in progress to the co-editor, or if the relationship is damaged, to the Executive Officer of Communications.
Editors may be removed from the position through the unanimous vote of the ISSM Executive Board, excluding the Editor Representative.
Selection Process
The Editors of Year’s Work in Medievalism should ideally be selected from members of the Communications / Publications Advisory Board, following the guidance of the current editorial team. If suitable or willing candidates are not members of that board, the Communications / Publications Advisory Board should first ask the serving editors to suggest candidates and then solicit suggestions from the broader ISSM membership via posts to the ISSM’s official communications media (listserv, website, social media, as appropriate).
Candidates will present current curriculum vitae and a brief letter of interest.
Candidates must have completed a Ph.D. or the highest degree equivalent in their field. Candidates may be tenure track or permanently employed, non-tenure track, independent scholars, precariat, or working outside academia.
The Editors should be active in medievalism studies and members of the ISSM, and do not need to demonstrate prior editorial experience.
When candidates with equal qualifications are available, preference and priority should be given to candidates who bring diversity to the journal or to the field of medievalism studies.
The Year’s Work in Medievalism Editorial Board
The Editorial Advisory Board of The Year’s Work in Medievalism is comprised of medievalism scholars at all points in their careers. Editorial Advisory Board Members assist the Editorial Team in the following areas:
- Setting editorial policy for YWiM.
- Acting as peer reviewers for YWiM.
- Promotion of YWiM within key communities.
- Maintaining the ethical standards for YWiM.
The YWiM Editorial Advisory Board Members commit to serve for a term of 3 years. Members of the ISSM and the ISSM Executive Board may suggest candidates to the Year’s Work in Medievalism Editorial Team. The Editorial Team will discuss duties with the candidates, and once the candidate has agreed, the Editorial Team will submit the candidate’s name to the ISSM Executive Board for consideration.
App. 1
Relationship between YWIM and Studies in Medievalism
The Year’s Work in Medievalism and Studies in Medievalism are not in competition: the journals and editorial teams engage in a relationship of reciprocity and exchange to promote the interests of their respective publications. Studies in Medievalism is currently owned by Boydell and Brewer, and it is not an official journal or organ of the ISSM. The ISSM considers Studies in Medievalism an allied journal, connected by long history, kinship, and mutual respect to the ISSM and Year’s Work in Medievalism.
Studies in Medievalism (SiM) is the oldest academic journal dedicated entirely to the study of post-medieval images and perceptions of the Middle Ages. It was originally self-published by Leslie J. Workman and Kathleen Verduin for the International Society for the Study of Medievalism. SiM accepts articles on both scholarly and popular works, with particular interest in the interaction between scholarship and re-creation. Its aim is to promote the interdisciplinary study of medievalism as a contemporary cultural phenomenon.
When possible and applicable, the editorial teams of Year’s Work in Medievalism and Studies in Medievalism will:
- Suggest the other journal as a potential outlet to authors if the piece is not suitable for their own.
- Advise authors regarding the publication requirements and mandates of both journals.
- Serve as peer reviewers or editorial board members (as requested) for the other journal.
- Develop other collaborations as they may arise.
App. 2
The Ground Rules for Civil Discussions of Difficult Issues
These ground rules were created and approved by the ISSM leadership as a guide to discussions in online forums. They are meant to liberate, rather than restrict. Our hope is that by following a set of basic rules for discussion, members will feel free to express themselves in ISSM forums without fear that an exchange of views will result in personal attacks or insults. The goal is not that the discussion will always be comfortable. Difficult discussions often involve discomfort. Rather, the goal is that the discussion always remains civil and professional.
- Keep in mind that the goal of discussion is not to agree but to gain deeper understanding.
- Criticize ideas or actions, not individuals or groups.
- Avoid name calling, personal attacks, and sarcasm.
- Use respectful language.
- Write in full sentences and refrain from using all caps, emoticons, asterisks, or other intensifiers.
- Put statements in a factual and non-accusatory form.
- Maintain confidentiality. Do not share discussions outside the group involved without the permission of all participants.
- Assume good intentions. Never attribute to malice what can be attributed to ignorance. Likewise, never attribute to amateurism what can be attributed to writing-to-audience.
- Do not engage in interpersonal, back and forth arguments about past events or encounters. Take these kinds of interpersonal discussions into a private forum.
- Do not police tone. Members should respond to the ideas and evidence presented by fellow discussants, not their tone (i.e. avoid responses such as “I resent your patronizing tone.”).
- Bullying is not permitted but please be aware of the distinction between critique and bullying. Bullying involves the exploitation of an imbalance of power with the intent to harm. Strongly-worded critiques or responses are not bullying.
- Be aware of the distinction between name calling and analysis. A member who calls a particular action or idea racist or sexist or homophobic is engaging in analysis, not name-calling.
- Mistakes: everyone makes them. Own up to yours without defensiveness; be forgiving of those made by others.
- Be aware that racism, sexism, and discrimination based on religious, ethnic, or sexual identity operates unconsciously as well as consciously. Even those dedicated to equality can have responses rooted in unconscious racism, sexism, or other forms of discrimination. Be aware that a stance that is direct and assertive in a member of a marginalized group can often appear like rudeness or arrogance in a culture that expects deference from this group.