CFP Studies in Medievalism XXXV: Medievalism in Theory

At one time or another, Jacques Derrida, Michel Foucault, and many other stars of late twentieth- or early twenty-first-century theory built at least a portion of their approach on medieval examples. Indeed, quite a few of those scholars, such as Umberto Eco and Hans Jauss, began their career as students of the Middle Ages. We are therefore invited to ask why medievalism played such a prominent role in these developments. Of all the possible past and/or imaginary milieux on which these approaches could have been built, why the Middle Ages? And to the degree that these scholars have referenced specific aspects of that era, why did they do so? What did those particular references bring to theory and how have they impacted its development? Moreover, how has that development commented on those references and perhaps on the Middle Ages as a whole, not to mention Medieval Studies and Medievalism Studies? How has it informed our understanding of what we study and what we do? Studies in Medievalism, a peer-reviewed print and on-line publication, is seeking not only feature articles of 6,000-12,000 words (including notes) on any postmedieval responses to the Middle Ages, but also 3,000-word essays that respond to one or more of these questions. Applicants are encouraged to give particular examples, but submissions, which should be sent in English and Word to Karl Fugelso at by 1 June 2025, should also address the implications of those examples for the discipline as a whole. (Note that priority will be given to papers in the order they are received and submissions that have not been translated into fluent English will not be considered.)

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